Assessing profitability of maize enterprise in Bulongo Subcounty, Luuka district
Maize is one of the major crops grown in Uganda mainly for consumption and the surplus is
sold. Maize is an important source of income to farmers in Luuka district. However it is not
known whether farmers really benefit economically from this enterprise. The main objective of
the study was to assess profitability of maize enterprise in Bulongo Sub-county Luuka District.
Specific objectives were; to characterize maize farmers in Bulongo Sub county to determine the
gross margin of the small holder maize farmers in Bulongo Sub County, to identify constraints to
maize productivity in Bulongo sub county Luuka district.
The study was carried out in one parish (Bugonyoka) that was a leading producer of maize and
two villages were selected that is; Nakabugo B and Nakisenyi. 50 respondents were interviewed
Questionnaires and direct observation and were the major tools of data collection. The results
show that; 84% of the respondents were males and 16% were females, average age of farmers
was 42 years, average total land holding was 5.5acres per household, the total area under maize
was 3 acres and 54% of the total land was under maize production. The study also found out that
most farmers grew their maize and sold it directly to processors, the enterprise is dominated by
males, most farmers used personal savings, and the minimum level of education was primary.
It was further observed that each farmer incurred an average variable cost of 1,535,372 shilling
per season the entire maize production season; produced 3158 kilograms of maize on average
and earned average revenue of 2,526,400 shilling per season.
The study revealed that price fluctuation was identified as a major constraint (52%) to maize to
maize profitability, followed by limited access to credit (28%), which could be the reason for
small scale production; this was followed by high production costs accounting for 20%.xii
Factors such as high cost of production like on land preparation, weeding, size of household,
total land holding and application of fertilizers had a significant effect on the level of gross
margins earned from the maize enterprise. Total variable costs were very important in that they
determined the level of gross margins earned by maize farmers in Luuka District. Factors such as
age of farmer, experience in maize production, occupation of a farmer and access to agricultural
information did not have a significant effect on the level of gross margins earned from the maize
The research recommends formation of farmer cooperatives as this will help farmers to reduce
production costs, increase and encourage collective marketing and bargaining and increase their
profit margins. Farmers should diversify and invest in other enterprises to neutralize the effect of
low prices and price fluctuation in one enterprise. Farmers should be sensitised about financial
management and the benefits of agricultural credit such that they can appreciate its benefits and
start acquiring agricultural loans to increase their production.
Labor saving technologies such as draught animals and herbicides should be incorporated into
maize husbandry to reduce on production costs like weeding and land preparation.