Sculpture and Meaning: A case study of sculptures in and around the halls of residence in Makerere University.
There are many sculptures in Makerere University including the halls of residence these
sculptures were created for a great reason but the community around them doesn‟t know
anything about them, as many see them as just sculptures put in space and many think there
just decorative. This study is to find out the meaning of these sculptures and to know the
people‟s perception towards them.
The research carried out is on the sculptures found in and around the halls of residence in
Makerere University.
The research has four chapters. The first one has the background which gives the definition of
sculpture and goes to have citation of related literature of research. It is also made up of the
statement of the problem which highlights the main focus of the research, next are the
objectives of the study, importance, purpose and the problems encountered during the study.
Chapter two has the literature related to the research related to my study about sculpture and
meaning, it contain literature from articles, books, journals that is related to the study.
Chapter three covers the research design, the population of the study, sample size, selection
procedures, the data collection methods and tools, data analysis, ethical considerations and
anticipated challenges which may be faced by the researchers.
Finally chapter four present an interpretation of the results from data analysis. The data
presented includes both the narratives of the interview conducted on sculptures and meanings
in and around Makerere Halls of residents. It‟s arranged according to the research objectives
which are; to identify the sculptures in and around the Halls of residence in Makerere
University, to assess people‟s views towards the sculptures in the halls of residence in
Makerere University and to find out the meaning of the sculptures