An agricultural information dissertation plan for farmers in Alwa sub county, Kaberamaido district
The current study was conducted to probe farmer’s dissemination of agricultural information plan in a Aiwa sub-county, Kaberamaido district.
The aims and objectives were to identify the information needs for enhancing agricultural activities in Aiwa Sub County, Kaberamaido district, to identify the different agricultural activities taking place in Aiwa Sub County, Kaberamaido district, to determine how agricultural information is disseminated to farmers in Aiwa Sub County. Kaberamaido district, to identify the factors affecting agricultural information dissemination in Aiwa sub county, Kaberamaido district and to propose a plan for agricultural information dissemination in Aiwa sub county, Kaberamaido district.
Qualitative research method was used and involved interaction between the researcher and the respondent with a subjective mind.
Findings a base on data collected through interview, method where 15 extension workers were interviewed using purposive method. It also involved using observation, focused groups and in-depth interviews so as to minimize on errors. The findings reveled that man)' farmers use radios and mobile phones to receive and access agricultural information being disseminated. The findings also reveals that agricultural information dissemination plan for farmers will be essential since farmers will be informed of the new market prices of produce.
The study recommends that farmers should have an agricultural information dissemination plan since it consists of diagnosing, finding and refilling the needs of relevant clientele by mutually beneficial exchange relationship. The study also recommends that the district local government should formulate and implement ICTs for agricultural projects based a research conceptual framework related to ICT for dissemination of agricultural information. Conclusion, there is still more need to improve on dissemination of agricultural information in Aiwa sub county, Kaberamaido district local government.