Motivation for vocational education and training choice, a case of Rukungiri municipality
This research paper focuses on motivation for Vocational Education and Training choice in Rukungiri Municipality. The main objective of the research is to assess the motivation for Vocational Education and Training choice in Rukungiri municipality. Based on review of the published literature, most individuals enroll for Vocational Education and Training due to low levels of income of their families.
Primary data was used in the study and questionnaires were designed and used to collect data from students pursuing vocational studies. A total of 150 students were interviewed who were selected from 5 randomly selected institutions.
The study results showed that majority of the respondents were male (56.0%) while the rest were female. Majority of the respondents were single (88%), (10%) were married and rest were divorced. Majority of the respondents were aged 21-25 (51.33%) and only 4.67% were aged 31- 35.
Empirical results of the multinomial logistic regression show that females are more likely to take up construction and tailoring relative to carpentry. Students aged 26-30 are more likely to take up tailoring relative to carpentry and students with family background where guardians 350,001-.: 00,000 shillings monthly are more likely to take up tailoring relative to carpentry. It was concluded that financial background, age, gender and attitude significantly predict VET choice.
Therefore the study recommends that the government of Uganda should monitor the impact of budgetary cuts on Vocational Education and Training provision in poorer districts and schools maintain efforts to ensure that all adults without basic skills have an opportunity to develop Therefore the study recommends that the government of Uganda should monitor the impact of budgetary cuts on Vocational Education and Training provision in poorer districts and schools maintain efforts to ensure that all adults without basic skills have an opportunity to develop.