Contribution of agricultural production projects on the livelihood of farmers in Wakiso district. A case study of Nangabo sub-county
The main purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of Send a Cow Uganda interventions on the livelihood of the people in Wakiso District. Specifically, the study explored the effect of eligibility factors into “Send a Cow Uganda” project such as farmer’s age, gender, marital status, training, religion, vulnerability and education level on the livelihoods of beneficiaries and the non-beneficiaries of SACU project in Nangabo sub county.
This study employed a cross sectional survey design to select 200 respondents with the aid of a systematic sampling technique. The first stage of selection involved choosing geographically-defined villages. The second stage involved selecting the specific households or persons to be interviewed to make up the 420 farmers.
Although livelihood status was found to be strongly supported farmer’s age, member’s training and membership to SACU project, associations, projects and government programs that are aimed and geared at diversification. Members in this project were found to be exposed to variety of privileges such as education, credit, extension visits as well as the being given seeds and breeds which enhances their livelihood statuses. Nonetheless, non-beneficiaries had relatively more cows as compared to the beneficiaries according to the study which in this case shows that send a cow Uganda has not played its key role in improving the livelihood statuses by measure of the number of animals owned.