The influence of Hyperbole in Kisoga Folktale performance on morals.
In the work that I did, its aim was to analyze the role of folk tales in uplifting or raising the orals of the youth in Busoga. The work is a collection from firsthand information or better referred to as primary source from the Basoga that I was able to come across through discussi0ons, interviews, and books written cultural critics and early writers. In most of the study, the researcher focused on those that had hyperbole and had moral lessons for the children it was addressed to hence giving identification and bringing the situation at home. In the findings, it was discovered that folktales not only act as a source of entertainment to prevent the children from sleeping when they are being told especially when the character is singing but also play significant role in child’s upbringing by making them happy and a productive member of society. The researcher made conclusion that folktales are part and parcel of the Basoga and they were the original way of upbringing children in a morally acceptable way. They are the basic form of guidance and counseling to children through the stages they go through when they are growing as children