Occupational stress, sleep quality and quality of life of employees. A case of medical access Uganda limited
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between occupational stress, sleep quality and quality of life among employees of Medical Access Uganda Limited.
The study intended to achieve the following objectives; to examine the relationship between occupational stress and sleep quality, occupational stress and quality of life of employees and sleep quality and finally to examine quality of life of employees. A correlational study design was used in the study to establish the relationship between occupational stress, sleep quality and quality of life among employees of Medical Access Uganda Limited. Findings revealed that there was a significant relationship between occupational stress and quality of sleep and a significant relationship between occupational stress and quality of life. However contrary to most studies, this study found no significant relationship between quality of sleep and quality of life of workers. In conclusion, the study findings don’t differ much from those elsewhere on the relationship between the variables and its was recommended that HR managers should ensure that workers are given less stressing jobs and the less stressing job contexts to reduce on the negative effects on sleep quality and quality of life. This can be done by job redesigning.