Cake Forms as a Sculpture: a case study of selected Bakeries in Kampala District.
The study aimed at analyzing cake forms as a sculpture in selected bakeries around Kampala District. The specific re search problem of the study was to investigate why there was little exploration made on cake forms as a sculpture and the challenges in bakeries. However, it wasn’t given great emphasis in most of the bakeries. This greatly reduced the level of creativity during cake building. Therefore this se t to seek a sculptural undertaking when dealing with form in order to establish the underlying factors behind this practice and suggest possible solutions.The study w as guided by the following objective s i)Identifying the different types of cakes made with in bakeries in Kampala. ii)Exploring the techniques involved when making cakes in Kampala. iii)To explore the sculptural components in cake building. iv)Examine the challenge s in building cakes in Kampala.The re search study used both qualitative and purposive methods. The population samples were bakers in the cake production department. The respondents were interviewed and also given questionnaires which were later collected after being filled. The re se arc her used the interview guides, questionnaires and direct observation guided by observation check lists which were applied as data collection methods.The significant findings of the study were the different type s of cake forms made, techniques of building cakes and also the challenges faced by cake bakers when building cakes. They included poor quality wheat flour, lack of enough space, inadequate remuneration, improper mixing of cake ingredients, lack of enough skilled labour, insufficient equipment, improper timing of the cake preparation process were frequent challenges faced by the respondents in the cake production department in the selected bakeries in Kampala District. One of the major recommendations was to use the casting technique. This will help to maintain a standard form of the cake s and also capture eve n the smallest de tails in or de r to enhance creativity and also to enable massive production of cake s with ease .