The elements of the natural landscape portrayed in langi folktales from the lango people of Notthern Uganda
This study sought to identify the relationship between the natural landscape and langi folktales from the Lango people of Northern Uganda. To identify, compile and translate into English language the folktales of the Lango people about the natural landscape. It was limited to identifying the images used to represent the landscape in the folktales and the meanings developed by the images in the folktales; to attempting a literary analysis of Lango folktales as regards the existence and relationship between the folktales and the natural landscape; and to make conclusions and recommendations about how the natural landscape is portrayed in Lango folktales. The study used a combination of cross-sectional and case study research design. Qualitative research approach. Data was collected using interview guide and focus group discussion guide. Data was collected from cultural leaders, cultural members and the elderly people of langi community in Lira district. Twelve folktales were collected and analysed to ascertain the elements of the natural landscape in Lango folktales. This study identified the following natural landscape which were commonly used in the selected folktales; mountain, bush, stream and lake. This study also developed three key themes in understanding the relationship between the identified natural landscape which were; Nature-human interaction; Environmental pollution; and Natural living. A total of 12 langi folktales were complied and translated into English. This study recommends further research on the folklore of the lango people of Northern Uganda.