Determinants of maize crop yield in Kagadi district in Uganda
The main objective of this study is to analyze the determinants of maize yield in Uganda, focusing on Kagadi district. The specific objectives were: To describe the socio-economic characteristics of the maize producers in Kagadi district, to examine the factors that influence the farm level yield of maize and to assess the challenges that farmers are facing the production of maize. Data were collected from a randomly selected sample of 100 maize farmers from four (4) sub counties that make up Kagadi District. The data were collected through the use of oral interviews using semi structured questionnaires. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics, and linear Regression analysis. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The study results indicated that majority of respondents that took part in the study were married females who do not belong to a farmer group, and have limited access to extension services and credit. Results from the regression show a statistically significant positive relationship between the age of the famer, access to extension services, household size, distance from home to the market, amount of fertilizers used and maize production(P<0.05) major challenges that farmers face in maize production include high production costs, prolonged drought, weevil damage, among others. The study recommends that the government should develop strategic policies to improve the road network infrastructure to help maize farmers to easily access the market.