Criterion for on-grid versus off-grid electrification. case study: Lulagwe and Punge villages
This project report is about the various activities undertaken in order to achieve and fulfill the project objective that is to decide on the most feasible option to be used when to villages that do not have access to electricity through either using on–grid or off-grid technology. In order to extend electricity to a given area a number of factors have to be put into consideration and most of these factors add up to the cost of the project. This report is divided into five chapters that is chapter one which covers the introduction to the project, the project background, the problem statement of the project, justification of the project, the project objectives, andabriefprojectmethodology.Chaptertwocoverstheliteraturereviewwhichis basically the theory behind the project, for example it talks about the advantages and disadvantages of on–grid system of rural electrification, the merits and demerits of off-grid system of rural electrification, the factors that favor and affect rural electrification, the challenges facing the Ugandan electricity sector, among others. Chapter three is about the methodology of the project that is how the set objectives of the project were achieved, the different activities undertaken to fulfill the project objectives for example how the data was collected. Chapter four is about the results of the project methodology and the analysis of the results that is what the obtained results mean in order to draw a conclusion. And lastly chapter five covers the challenges faced during the execution of the project, and also gives the conclusion and recommendations of the project research findings.