The comparison of water quality of two different water sources that is well and spring in Bushenyi ishaka Municipality, Bushenyi District.
The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between well water quality and spring water quality in Bushenyi Ishaka Municipality, Bushenyi District. The study was guided by the following research objectives: to determine the physical and chemical parameters for assessment of water quality of wells and spring, to assess attitudes of residents towards water quality issues; and to provide recommendations for enhancement of water quality management and to investigate institutional capabilities to provide safe and adequate water to households in Bushenyi Ishaka Municipality, Bushenyi District. The target population for this study consisted of mature house hold members in Ishaka Bushenyi Municipality, local chair persons and district health members in Bushenyi District. In total, the target population was three hundred sixty five giving a sample size of 189 respondents.
From the laboratory tests, two different water samples from two different water sources were collected and used for comparisons. Laboratory results on spring water showed PH of 6.77 It was further found that spring water had lower electrical conductivity (200 μs/cm) while well water had 430 μs/cm. It was indicated that spring water is good for human and home consumption
because majority of the respondents 49 accounting for 25.9% supported it, in addition, it was revealed that well water is not good for human and home consumption because it was supported by few respondents, 20 (10.6%). Respondents supported that village members should work hand in hand to improve on the wells most especially the bush around them as supported by 38 respondents accounting for 20.1%. 43 (22.8%) respondents also supported that people should be advised not to always ease themselves nearby the wells and the springs. Conclusively, it was found that among the Physico-chemical parameters, pH reduced during the wet season, and the spring water produced more acidic compared to the well water while total dissolved solids increased during the wet season. It was concluded that, spring water is better than well water in as far as home or domestic consumption is concerned. It was also concluded that people in Ishaka Bushenyi municipality prefer spring water to well water for domestic use. It was recommended that village members should work hand in hand to improve on the wells most especially the bush around them. People should be advised not to always ease themselves nearby the wells and the springs. Government should improve and construct springs in villages with enough water shallows so as to provide members with clean water.