dc.description.abstract | This project explains the importance of fashion designing in fashion which leads or makes an outfit appears unique and beautiful in style. Fashion is trending in many areas of Iganga town especially at Assol Street. There are many activities in fashion designing for example tailoring designing processes among others at the street of Assol in Iganga town
In the opening chapter gives details of the back ground to Assol Street in Iganga town, location of Assol Street, statement of the problem, main objective and specific objectives, research questions, significance of the study and lastly scope of the study
The second chapter explains more of the design that began at Assol Street Iganga town, challenges facing fashion designers at Assol Street in Iganga town the different no practices in fashion design improved on the standards of living among the people of Iganga town.
Chapter three involves methodology of the project explaining the research design , population study , sampling design , and data sources , data sources, data collection methods and instruments data collection tools , questionnaires , data analysis vans presentation, limitations of the study which conclude the chapter .
Chapter. Four consists data presentation and analysis.
Chapter five includes the conclusion and recommendations of the study, references and appendix or questionnaire and the plates | en_US |