Imagery in Lugbara proverbs
This project presents the result of a linguistic study of Lugbara proverbs. It aimed at subjecting Lugbara proverbs through a stylistic analysis. A research was carried out where 40 proverbs were collected and each one of that was initial in Lugbarati was translated in English. After which each of the proverbs was catergorised under the different aspects of style.
Through the methodology used which was mainly questionnaire, it was discovered that proverbs were mainly used by the elders to warn, advice, curb a vice and even to teach depending on the circumstances at hand. It was also noted that one’s attitude towards proverbs depend on their interest towards them since today the younger generation are more taken up in other activities that is why they tend to brush off proverbs as traditional. Besides that, schools that prohibit the use of vernacular in schools and rural urban migrations that deprive children from knowing their local languages were noted among the reasons as to why proverbs are no longer popular as they used to be due to limited practice.
however, it was discovered that proverbs are still been used by the elderly which means, they are still relevant in our societies since we leave with some of these people which means the younger generation can still learn and adapt the use of proverbs if they are interested, their attitude towards it determines whether they will use them or not.