Assessing the socio-economic impact of weaving among women in Luzira prison
This researcher is arined at studying how weaving has itnpacted women in luzira prison. The researcher will look into the ability or these wornen and the environmental challcngcs that they race while practicing their weaving and at the same time reacting out to their accessibility.
The researcher will also ailil at investigating on how these craft women will use their skills \Vhen after being set free out of the prison since the research is about weaving and its impacts. In chapter one, the researcher will present the introduction part of the entire study. The background of the study, the research problems, purpose of the study, objectives research questions and the scope of the study.
In chapter two, the researcher will present related literature in relation to the study objectives research questions and scope of study.
Chapter three, consists of the methodology, the researcher will show data collection methods