Cytological patterns of salivary gland lesions on fine needle aspiration as seen in the Pathology Department of Makerere University Medical School
Salivary gland lesions are some of the lesions patients present with to the Makerere University Medical School Pathology department. The lesions can be cystic, inflammatory or neoplastic. A histological study in which epithelial tumors of major and minor salivary glands accessioned from 1979 to 1988 were analyzed in respect to age and sex of the patients, anatomical location of the tumor and histological type. During the span of ten years, 268 cases of salivary gland lesions were diagnosed. Of these 113 (42.2%) were males, 148 (55.2%) females and the remaining 7(2.6%) cases the sex was not specified.
Fine needle aspiration is one of the methods that are used in the diagnosis of these salivary gland lesions and being a simple and effective method of diagnosis, there needs to be an assessment of the lesions diagnosed by this method. This method is simple, less invasive, and safe unlike open biopsy procedures.
Methods and materials:
A cross sectional study was conducted on patients who presented with salivary gland lesions in the Makerere medical school pathology department between January and April 2020.
The most common salivary gland lesion diagnosed by fine needle aspiration at the Makerere University Medical School Pathology Department Laboratory is Pleomorphic adenoma.
Females are most affected by salivary gland lesions at the Makerere University Medical School Pathology Department Laboratory
The age group affected most by salivary gland lesions at the Makerere University Medical School Pathology Department Laboratory is 51-60 years
Most common salivary gland lesions diagnosed at Makerere University College of Health Sciences Pathology Department are benign and the commonest lesion is a Pleomorphic adenoma. The age group most affected is 51-60 years and the lesions were commonest in females.