Effects of first language in articulating Kiswahili among secondary school students specifically senior three and four.
My dissertation with topic “Effects of first language in articulating Kiswahili among secondary school students specifically senior three and four” I believe that every person has his or her first language for this case I used Luganda as my first language and there are problem encountering such students because we agree that Kiswahili is not their mother tongue but instead it is their second language,and also it should heed that aperson from Tanzania and a person from Kenya has a difference in speaking more especially Kiswahili because it is their mother tongue compared to someone from Uganda who speaks Luganda as his mother tongue by implication such a student will have some challenges in articulation and makes matters worse is the learning Kiswahili for his first time in school.
Students in secondary school finds a big challenge to learn Kiswahili as wellas speaking it due to that fact that it is not his mother language according to me to “the effects of first language in articulating Kiswahili among secondary school students especially senior three and four” students are victim of circumstance due to Kiswahili being a foreign language for example instead of saying Atakula but mistakenly Atakura.
Also, it should be noted that the more mistakes this student makes the more perfect he becomes an d in most cases such Amuganda student who knew nothing about Kiswahili and it’s his first time stammering is expected as any student who learns any language for his first time or poor articulation of letters is obvious, but it’s very ok for someone to first know the challenges ok learning and speaking a language then it helps him to find possible remedies.
Also it should be heed that background of that is very paramount for a student who is learning Kiswahili language for the first time because background is captured things will move smoothly and knowing how to read and learn this language in other words the methods and mastering the relationship between your mother tongue language and foreign language for this case is Kiswahili ,Luganda as a language it affects much the learning of second language spoken wise and reading wise for example someone might be good in reading Kiswahili when writing is poor or writing is poor and reading is good but referring to my topic effects of first language in articulating Kiswahili among secondary school students specifically senior three and four.