Factors affecting the use of family planning among women of reproductive age in Nampanga Parish, Bukiyi Subcounty, Sironko district
Family planning has a direct influence on women’s health, well-being as well as on the consequence of each pregnancy. Many studies about family planning use have been conducted to find out how effective family planning programs can be implemented to enhance the use of family planning among the young and older women. Though majority of women know at least one method of family planning, the Contraceptive prevalence rate and modern contraceptive prevalence rate are still low compared to what the Uganda hopes to achieve by 2020. The inability of women to plan their pregnancies can lead to a high number of unintended pregnancies accompanied by high unplanned child births, abortions and miscarriages. This will also result in higher maternal and new born mortality rates increasing the burden on the health care system and country’s economy.
Study objective
The objective of the study was to estimate the proportion of women using family planning methods and identify the facilitators and barriers to its use among women of reproductive age in Nampanga parish, Bukiyi Sub-county, Sironko district.
A descriptive cross-sectional community-based study was carried out among 344 women of reproductive age. 3 FGDs were carried out in each village in Nampanga parish, Bukiyi Sub-county, Sironko district. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected using questionnaires and Focus group discussions respectively. Quantitative data was entered using EpiData. Data were cleaned analysed using Stata 13.0 which was used to generate percentages, frequencies and proportions. Bivariate logistic regression was done to identify associations of independent factors with family planning use. Thematic content analysis was done manually for qualitative data.
344 women participated and 27.9% of them were using at least one method of family planning with injectables being the most used family planning method. The factors significantly associated with family planning use were age of respondents, religion, and level of education, occupation and number of children.
Women in FGDs had knowledge about FP. The barriers identified to FP use were myths, and misinformation on FP, fear of side effects, lack of partner support, limited family planning supplies at health facilities.
The prevalence of family planning use was low in Nampanga. More health education and sensitizations should be carried out among men and women in the parish to equip them with adequate knowledge on FP. The MOH and its partners should ensure easy access and availability of contraceptives in the health centre.