Assessment of factors affecting solid waste management in the markets of Bukoba Municipality, Tanzania
Background: Solid waste management (SWM) is one of the challenges in many developing countries including Tanzania. This has led to a number of public health challenges within the markets and the surrounding populations. The accumulation of solid wastes at market collection points is causing serious problems within surrounding areas such as blocking drainage system which causes poor disposal of wastewater and polluting of different surface and ground water sources. Persistent poor SWM has led to enabling environment for diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, malaria which are the major cause of morbidities and mortalities among the people in Bukoba town.
Objective: This study aimed at assessing factors affecting solid waste management in the markets of Bukoba urban area, Bukoba municipality, in order to generate information that can be improve solid waste management in markets of Bukoba town.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study design using qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Multi stage sampling procedure was used to select 5 markets in Bukoba. A total of 288 respondents were randomly selected in addition to the 7 key informants. Data was then be cleaned before analysis. Analysis included frequencies, percentage and counts. Qualitative data was recorded and analysed manually. Results were presented according to the main themes. Permission was sought from relevant authorizes before data collection
Results: Majority of the respondents 59.4% (171/288) were females and the rest (117/288) were males. All respondents were aged between 18-48 years with an average of 30.7±7.6 years. Market vendors aged 25-31 years were the majority (67/288) 23.3%. Also majority 50.7% (146/288) of the respondents had attained a secondary level of education. The highest level of education attained by the market vendors was tertiary education with (9/288) 3.1% and 4 out of 10 had no formal education (72/288). About 86.5% (249/288) knew what solid waste was but only 21.9% (63/288) knew what solid waste management was. In addition 85.3% (246/288) agreed that it was the town council’s responsibility to keep the markets clean. Two thirds 75% (216/288) of study respondents had waste receptacle. Seven out of 10 respondents (210/288) reported that the local councils are the responsible bodies for waste collection and disposal.
Conclusion: All market vendors reported that there play an important role in solid waste disposal thus there want their markets clean and free from solid waste but a significant number didn’t know any proper solid waste management option. There were generally good attitudes and bad practices like not having waste receptacle and non-segregation of waste. There should be intensive health education and sensitization of market vendors regarding solid waste management.