Knowledge, attitude and practices on infection prevention and control among health workers in Lira Regional referral Hospital, Uganda
The study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practices on infection prevention and control among health workers so as to control the occurrence of nosocomial infections in Lira Regional Referral Hospital. The objective of the study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practices on infection prevention and control among health workers in Lira Regional Referral Hospital.
A cross sectional method was used to determine the knowledge attitude and practices in clinical environment using simple random sample of 171 health care workers who participated in the study. A questionnaire was used to obtain information on health workers knowledge, attitude and observational checklist was used to observe the health workers practices on infection prevention and control measures at the facility. The data was analyzed for consistency and was presented inform of tables and figures.
The study revealed that a significant number of the respondents (45.0%) could not observe the procedure on infection prevention and control guideline. Interestingly, most health workers (95.9 %) knew the importance of observing infection prevention and control guidelines, (98.2%) agreed that it is necessary to practice infection prevention and control measures though it was not so practical at all times. Those who disagreed cited work load (28.7%) as one of factors that affected the implementation of infection prevention and control. On practices, (91.2%), (92.4%), (95.3%), (84.2%) of the respondents always wash hands, wearing protective equipment, promote injection safety disinfection and sterilization of equipment respectively.
The findings from observation revealed that (91.2%) wash hands with soap, (96.5%) were seen wearing protective equipment and waste disposal was according to color coded bins (94.2%). From the check list the majority of the units (97.1%), (76.6%), (87.1%), (76.0%), (89.5%), (77.2%), (79.5%), (80.7%), (91.2%), (63.2%) had hand washing facility, soap at the hand washing point, disposable mask, face shield and nose mask, single use injection, sharps
disposal containers, suitable disinfectants, functional autoclave, functional waste bin and clean and non-congested working surface respectively.
The study concluded that there was good knowledge, attitude and practices, however other
factors like delay in the supply of the equipment, work load due to health worker to patient ratio and weak infection prevention and control committees in Lira Regional Referral Hospital influences infection prevention control. The researcher recommended that, hospital administration should ensure an on-going education and training, adequate and timely delivery of supplies, revive and enforcement infection prevention and control and provision of copies of infection prevention and control guidelines in all the units.