Causes of child trafficking in Uganda: The case study of Mawero East Village, Busia District Eastern Uganda
The main objective of the study was to investigate the causes of child trafficking in Mawero Parish, Buteba Sub County in Busia district basing on the following objectives; to find out factors that increase vulnerability of children to trafficking, to establish if both sexes are victims of child trafficking and to what extent, and to find out ways through which the practice of child trafficking can be alleviated. Cross sectional research design was used and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. Data was collected by the use of questionnaire and interview guide. A sample size of 74 was considered comprising of 17 child care givers, 5 authority implementers, and 50 residents. Data was analyzed using SPSS univariate analysis such as descriptive means, frequency tables and graphs were used to present data and interpretation was made basing on the respective percentages.
Basing on the findings in relation to the objectives, majority of the respondents agreed that non-implementation of anti-slavery laws which shows us that there is a need to enforce and to implement laws that must govern human trafficking within the country which indicated that the laws are ineffective.
In Conclusion therefore, Child trafficking is a serious case in Busia district due to rampant increase of poverty that is a jigger in the land of Mawero East which is forcing many parents to traffic their children to go and work as salves in the trafficking industry hence violating their rights and therefore, enforcement of laws that have been implemented by the government together with the authorities must be done in order to combat child trafficking.
It was recommended that Uganda as a country must have a responsibility under international law to act with due diligence to prevent child trafficking, to investigate and prosecute traffickers and to assist and protect trafficked persons as suggested by the respondents. The human rights of trafficked persons should be at the center of all efforts to prevent, combat trafficking, to protect, assist and provide redress to victims as a solution that is employed by the government to eradicate child trafficking.