Factors for increased cases of child marriages in Kumi district, a case study of Ongino sub county
This study was aimed at establishing the factors for increased cases of child marriages in Kumi district. Using a case study of Ongino sub-county, the study aimed at achieving different objectives that included; ascertaining the socio-cultural causes of child marriage, identifying the economic related causes of child marriages and establishing the effects of child marriage in Ongino sub-county. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect both detailed and specific information from the study respondents by use of questionnaires containing open and closed ended questions. A sample size of 30 primary respondents and 5 key informants were selected using simple random sampling and stratified sampling techniques. The data collected was analyzed using content analysis as presented and discussed in chapter four. The research well established the underlying causes of child marriages including poverty, peer influence, parental behaviors, bride price among others. The research identified the effects of child marriages in Ongino sub-county including early pregnancies, health complications and poverty. The research made various recommendations to different actors in the community including the government, community and NGOs so as to help in the fight against child marriage in different communities in the country.