Assessing the knowledge, attitudes and practices towards maintenance of safe water chain among community members of Western Ward in Butogota Town Council, Kanungu District in Uganda
Introduction: Maintenance of safe water chain is still a challenge both in the developing and under developed world leading to numerous waterborne diseases that account for 80% of all the diseases in the world (WHO, 2019). Majority of the people in Western ward consume contaminated water which has led to increased incidence of water borne diseases. The major causes of this tragedy are poor knowledge and attitudes that work against the practices of ensuring water is safe.
Objectives: The study assessed the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of households in Western ward, Butogota Town Council towards maintenance of safe water chain during collection, transportation, transportation, storage and treatment of drinking water in their homes.
Methodology: This was a cross sectional study design involving 216 households from the 4 villages of Western ward, Butogota Town Council, Kanungu district. Quantitative data was collected among household heads using semi structured questionnaires, analyzed using SPSS and stata soft wares and results summarized in tables, graphs and charts. Qualitative data was collected from 20 key informants using key informants guides and analyzed using content analysis.
Results: Almost all the respondents were knowledgeable about the maintenance of safe water chain. Majority agreed cleaning of ware sources. Majority used jerrycans for collection of water. Majority did not seperent cups for drawing water from the storage facility.
Conclusion: The knowledge and attitude of the community towards maintenance of safe water chain was generally high but their practices were poor. The challenge being hygiene and sanitation practices. Therefore more community sensitizations by health workers and community leaders about good safe water practices and WASH practices along the chain should be emphasized to improve drinking water quality in residents of western ward in Butogota Town council.