dc.description.abstract | Globally, about a half of households in developing countries rely on solid fuel as a primary fuel for cooking and heating. Burning solid biomass fuel produces emissions like particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (C0), polycyclic aromatic hydrogen carbons (PAHS) which contribute to toxic air pollutants that are harmful to human health. Consequences attributed to Indoor air pollution (IAP) include: pneumonia, stroke, ischemic heart, chronic pulmonary disease as well as low birth weight, cataract and nasopharyngeal. In Buhweju district, no studies have been carried out on household air pollution (HAP) due to solid fuel smoke. This study was conducted to assess community knowledge, attitudes and practices on indoor air pollution due to solid fuel smoke so as to provide evidence based information that will trigger policy change and minimize use of solid fuel in Nsiika town council Buhweju district.
This cross-sectional study employed mixed methods. Semi structured questionnaires were entered in epicollect5 software and used to collect quantitative data while key informant interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect qualitative data. Quantitative data was entered and cleaned using Epi-data version 3.0, after which it was exported to STATA for analysis at univariate level. Qualitative data from district health inspectors, VHTs and local council one chairmen was analyzed thematically by conventional content analysis methods.
It was found out that majority had ample knowledge about dangers of solid fuel smoke such as eye diseases and headache. Many had acquired knowledge mainly from radios and televisions, and a significant number knew different sources of heat with less or no smoke such as electricity. Majority had positive attitude towards use of clean solid fuel such as electricity. In addition, majority had good practices towards reduction of indoor smoke like opening windows and putting off fire after cooking. However, many still used firewood for cooking in their households and a three-stove design. Therefore, there is need to sensitize household members on the available clean solid fuel sources as well as supporting them in designing improved stove designs in order to reduce solid fuel smoke. | en_US |