Development of an antibacterial topical formulation from methanolic leaf extracts of Callistemon Citrinus
Background: Traditional medicinal plants have been used over the years for the treatment of health problems including infectious and non-infectious skin disorders. Medicinal properties of Callistemon citrinus methanolic extracts exhibit antimicrobial activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria including in the management of wounds, which are among the leading causes of death and hospital visits worldwide. Aim of the study: The study was intended to investigate the effectiveness of a topical formulation of Callistemon citrinus methanolic leaf extracts for use in management of wounds. Materials and methods: The evaluation of wound healing effect of herbal ointment formulated with 10% C. citrinus methanolic leaf extracts embedded in Simple ointment BP was compared with that of mupirocin 2% ointment and Simple ointment BP. The excision wound model was employed for wound healing activity in albino rats. Healthy male albino rats (100-150g) were taken for the excision wound model. Animals were divided into three groups of three rats each. Group 1 was the negative control, group 2 was treated with mupirocin 2% ointment that served as a standard and group 3 was treated with 10% herbal ointment of C. citrinus methanolic leaf extracts. All animals had free access to pelleted food and water. The results were expressed as average wound area (cm2). The significance of differences at p < 0.05, between the means was analyzed using one-way ANOVA.
Results: Percentage wound reduction by day 17 for 10% C.citrinus leaf extracts ointment was 100%, followed by mupirocin 2% ointment (94.1%) while the lowest was Simple Ointment BP (82%). Conclusions and recommendations: The findings indicated that the methanolic leaf extract of C. citrinus contained phytoconstituents which might have inhibited growth of wound associated pathogens and promoted the process of wound healing.