Implementation of ICT teaching and Learning among secondary schools in Jinja District, Uganda.
The purpose of this study was to examine the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning among selected schools in Jinja District. The focus was on three main aspects; teachers' expertise in using ICT resources that improve the teaching and learning process, differences in ICT use by students in terms of school type and location and the factors relating to students' ICT use. A descriptive survey design was used to collect data from the field through the use of questionnaires and observation checklists. A total of 288 students and 30 STEM teachers participated in the study. Data was analyzed
descriptively in SPSS version 20. The study found out that majority of the teachers were competent in using the basic ICT skills like word processors and Power Point presentations. They reflected low competence in using advanced ICTs like projectors during the teaching and learning process. The analysis also found out that students in private schools used ICT for learning purposes that students from public schools. In addition, urban school students use ICT for learning purposes more than students in semi-urban and rural schools. The overall ICT use by students was average with the majority using ICT mainly for entertainment purposes. The researchers thus recommend that pre-service and in-service teacher training programmes tailored to school programmes should be embraced to equip the teachers with the up-to-date ICT skills.