Situational analysis of the current quality control and quality assurance measures in x-ray units of selected hospitals in Kampala
Introduction; appropriate quality control and quality assurance programs should be put in place to minimize hazardous risks of radiation to X-ray equipment operators, patients and the public. A quality Assurance program covers the X-ray systems from machines, to processing, and to view boxes.
Due to urban setting the selected four (4) hospitals receive a large number of patients, therefore inappropriate quality control and quality assurance can lead to exposure of patients to higher doses of radiations, unnecessary break down of machines and thus patients fail to receive timely and accurate diagnosis.
Aim. The study was to assess the current situation concerning implementation of the quality control and quality assurance measures in x-ray units of selected hospitals in Kampala and where possible suggestions of improving the measures will be provided.
Methodology. It was across sectional study conducted in all x-ray units of four selected government hospitals in Kampala. Data was collected using self- administered questionnaires and analysed using Microsoft excel.
Results. Findings from the study were disseminated to the Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Radiology Department as well as the wider audience through publications.
The results indicated that majority of the hospitals have Quality Assurance Committees however, they are non functional due to management challenges. There are some Quality control tests done on the X ray equipment in these hospitals however, records are not kept which makes assessment of equipement performance difficult. Maintance servicing of X ray equipments is not done which implies that most of them are not working optimally. Monitoring of equipment performance is inadequate due to under Quality Assurance Committees, hence inadequate monitoring and implementation of the QA programs in X ray units and other departments of the hospitals.