A detailed study of symbolism in the selected Ganda proverbs
This study examines a detailed study of symbolism in the selected Ganda proverbs.
The study analysed the symbols found in the selected Ganda proverbs.The study
has included the direct translations of the Ganda proverbstoEnglish.It has further
investigated the meanings of the proverbs and effectiveness of the symbols to the
readers of the proverbs. Data for the study comprised of forty proverbs having
symbolism in them. The proverbs were obtained from at extentitled The Oral
Tradition of the Baganda of Uganda by Immaculate N.Kizza. I used methods like
Notes taking, library research and interview to identify and select proverbs bringing
out symbolism. The analysis revealed that proverbs play an important role in the
Buganda. The study has further revealed that symbolism plays a big role in the
understanding of Ganda proverbs.This brings out the effectiveness of symbolism
accordingly. Proverbs are not only important in the Buganda only but are also
important in other parts of the world.