Guidelines for improving library services at Jinja Senior Secondary School
This project entitled guidelines for improving of library services in Jinja Senior Secondary school. Towards the end of the project strategic guidelines for improving library services were laid. The objectives of the project were; to identify the current status of library services at Jinja Senior Secondary school, to identify how library services are managed at Jinja Senior Secondary school, to identify the challenges facing library services. To provide guidelines for improving library services at Jinja Senior Secondary school.
The study findings also establish that Jinja Senior Secondary school library offer a wide range of library services which include; library orientation, circulation services, photocopying, exhibition and display, reference services.
The study findings also establish that the library users can receive information materials in one day and accessible from the library. The librarians also use face to face interactions with the library users to update them about the news and updates in the library, noticeboards
The challenges faced in delivering the library services at Jinja Senior Secondary school library were; poor library orientation, inadequate information materials, strict rules and regulations, un friendly librarians, lack of library catalogue, inadequate funds, inadequate computers in the library.
The strategies suggested to improve library services offered at Jinja Senior Secondary school were; employing qualified staff, providing more space for reading, allocating funds to the library and provision of computers and internet in the Library.