Effect of low maize prices to the production of maize in Kahunge sub county, Kamwenge district
The study investigated the effect of low maize prices to the production of maize in Kahunge Sub County, Kamwenge District. The study was guided by three objectives which finding out the determinants of maize prices, finding out maize factors which influence maize production, finding out consequences of low maize production in Kahunge subcounty, Kamwenge district.. The study carried out a detailed literature in relation to the study. The study used a cross sectional research design which used use of a quantitative approach. A sample of 80 respondents was used and these included maize farmers who were selected randomly, local leaders and extension workers who were purposively selected. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS. The study found out that collective action has a great influence on costs of production, extension services and market in maize production. Findings of the study revealed that Collective action offers an opportunity of reducing transaction costs, increasing bargaining power thus making it possible to contract with large buyers for better prices. It was found that there was low land ownership by farmers in Kahunge sub-county because averagely, farmers owned less than 1 acre of land (61.3%). Maize producers never acquired land for maize production and a few who acquired land (14.3%) was at an average cost of 100,000UGX. Averagely, 61-90 bags of maize per season were produced by maize farmers (54.7%) with a least number of farmers 9.3% producing over 90 bags of maize. The costs of production greatly influenced maize production. Most of the maize farmers used family labor that was assumed to be cheap in order to cut costs. A lot of costs were incurred on buying fertilizers during and after planting but mostly on land preparation. Access to agricultural extension services has an influence on maize production. A few who had accessed extension services was in relation to the disease control. Farmers moved a long distance of over 3kilometers to access the extension services. The cost of maize per kilogram at the garden was at an average cost of 400UGX and 650UGX at the local market level. Findings also revealed that factors like income of farmer, number of extension visits received by farmer on maize production, distance to the nearest marketing centre and price per Kilogramme offered in the last season significantly influenced the farmers’ decision to participate in collective marketing. It is recommended that the extension system in Uganda be emphasized to train farmers on better methods of maize production and marketing to achieve quantity and quality requirements for better market participation. There is also need to establish more groups and collection centers in places more accessible to farmers.