The role of conceptual art in revealing societal issues around Kampala today
General objective of the project:
The purpose of the project was to assess the role of conceptual art in Uganda today.
Specific objectives of the project:
1) To show new perspectives in conceptual art work around Kampala today.
2) To identify importance of conceptual art in revealing societal issues around Kampala today.
3) To interpret the ideas behind conceptual art for the lay understanding of the Ugandan audience.
In conclusion the primary objective of the study has been achieved. Most of the respondents had knowledge on conceptual arts. Conceptual arts were seen as relevance as the message it sends to the audiences and what it depicts shows their portion in art world today. It also shows that the conceptual ideas can be translated in to practical art work and its more of significance to the society in the sense that it preserves culture and also to the visual artists.