Intelligent fire detection system
This project is aimed towards improving detection of a fire outbreak in a given place. The general objective of this project is to improve the performance of the existing smoke sensor technology in fire detection. The project is mainly based on multi-sensor technology and Arduino communication. In this project, the flame, smoke, and temperature sensors detect the physical conditions of a fire and convert them into electrical signals. These signals are fed into the Arduino UNO board on which the appropriate code was uploaded. The microcontroller on the Arduino UNO board processes the input signals and activates the necessary actuators. The actuators include two LED lights, buzzer, LCD screen, DC pump and GSM module.
In absence of a fire, a green LED light is always on and the screen displays "NO FIRE". In case of a fire, a red LED light is turned on, the buzzer makes an alarm, the screen displays, "FIRE ALERT", the DC pumps out water to extinguish the fire and the GSM sends an alert message to the necessary phone numbers of the concerned. This project mainly focuses on residential and school buildings as opposed to business premises and factories which in most cases contain high valuable and costly assets and thus might require a fire detection solution with very high-performance standards.