Depression, anxiety and drug abuse among adolescents in the informal settlement of Bwaise, Kawempe Division
This study set out to examine depression, anxiety, and drug abuse among Adolescents in the informal settlement of Bwaise, Kawempe Division. The study objective included the establishment of the relationship between depression and drug abuse; the relationship between depression and anxiety and the relationship between anxiety and drug abuse among adolescents. The study used standard Questionnaires as method of data collection. Various literatures were reviewed indicating the relationship between depression, anxiety and drug abuse among adolescents. The study findings also observed that there is a significant relationship between depression and drug abuse, there is a significant relationship between depression and anxiety and lastly the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between anxiety and drug abuse among adolescents. The study concluded that depression, anxiety and drug abuse are interrelated with respect to adolescents. The study recommends that awareness be created by government or organizations working with adolescents in the community to know the danger of drug abuse and how it can be stopped in the community. The study also recommend that parents and caretakers of adolescents should be provided with basic skills and knowledge on depression and how to guide their children on how to cope up with their situations.