Design And Analysis of A Radiation Pattern Reconfigurable antenna By Exploiting RF MEM Switches.
This project proposes a novel method of reconfiguring the antenna’s radiation pattern by exploiting the new generation Radiofrequency Micro electro-mechanical switches (RF MEMS) switches. A radiation pattern reconfigurable circular antenna suitable for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) applications is designed to resonate at 5.35 GHz. Two different types of
RF MEMS i.e. SP1T and SP2T were used to achieve this pattern agility and the antenna performance compared with different designs using PIN diodes actuators.
Antenna design and 3D modeling was done using ADS simulation software from Keysight technologies. Simulation results show three antenna reconfigurable modes C, H, and F. The proposed antenna shows a better performance in terms of bandwidth, peak gains, and small size compared to some of the existing antenna designs in the literature.