Job security in Covid-19, employee motivation and work engagement: a case study of Kitende Secondary School.
The study sought to establish the relationship between job security, employee motivation and work engagement among teachers during the COVID 19 pandemic. The study gave an insight of how employee’s perceived feeling of job security affects their engagement and motivation at work. The objectives were to examine the relationship between job security and employee motivation, the relationship between work engagement and employee motivation and to assess if work engagement affected the results between job security and employee motivation among teachers during the COVID 19 pandemic. A quantitative research approach was used in data collection and analysis. A simple random sampling method was used targeting a sample size of teachers. Data was collected from respondents using self administered standard questionnaire and entered in the computer for analysis through Statistical Package for Social Science(SPSS) software version 23. Descriptive statistics showed that 70% of the respondents were female and 30% were male, majority were between 30 m39 years (43.5%). Results from Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient(r) further indicated that job insecurity was positively related to amotivation (r=.36 and p<0.001), positively related to extrinsic motivation (r=.15 and p<0.05) and negatively related to intrinsic motivation (r= related to work engagement (r=-- .22 and p<0.0 1). Amotivation was negatively .11 and p>0.05), job insecurity and work engagement were negatively related (r=.23 and p<0.01). Therefore the present study a basis and implications for further investigation on the influence o f job security on employee motivation, employee motivation on work engagement and job security on work engagement among teachers at Kitende secondary school. It was recommended that the administration of Kitende secondary school needs to do more by designing policies that show employees that their jobs are secure through provision of appointment letters.