Factors associated with poor waste management at household level: case study of Mityana Town Council
The objective of the study was to analyze the influence of demographic, socio-economic and knowledge, attitude and practice towards poor waste management at household level in Mityana town council. The study comprised of 60 respondents and where all households and that was the sample. The study employed both descriptive and analytical methodologies. More women were interviewed compare to men and this was because women are the one who always stay at home.
According to the respondents the community lack sensitization on how wastes are supposed to be disposed, insufficient government support and this showed that they lack knowledge on proper waste management so most of the times young ones do dispose anywhere which makes the place so dirty and contaminated. According to the research 20% of the households who had children below 18years always dispose there wastes anywhere.
The researcher concluded that sensitization makes people aware of the dangers of poor waste management at household level and though they don’t put proper attention on it. The government was recommended to put in more support, provide more bins and trucks and also encourage monthly general cleanliness and also encourage bulungi bwansi every month. The government should also set aside funds for collecting wastes and strict laws plus fines against improper waste disposal.
The researcher recommended the communities ‘need to be sensitized, carry out community work, and reviving environmental committees. This would help the households and the nearby neighbors plus the children. The council has to provide more rubbish bins and law against those who necessary dump anywhere.