Design and simulation of an improved Briquette Drying Machine.
A biomass dryer utilizes heat energy from the heat source that is briquettes which is conducted and through natural convection dries the wet briquettes loaded on the drying trays. This is beneficial because it reduces the waste of biomass for example agricultural products which are all over the world.
Based on the limitations of sun drying and other drying methods like solar drying, vertical drying, and belt dryers which are liable to rainfall for sun drying, briquette breakages for vertical dryers. A biomass dryer was designed and simulated to cater to these limitations. This project presents the design and simulation of a briquette drying machine. This dryer is composed of a combustion chamber, drying chamber, insulation lining chamber. Locally available materials were considered in the design of the dryer polythene foam, mild steel trays, wire mesh, wood, and briquettes as a source of heat. The optimum temperature of the dryer was 70℃ with a corresponding ambient temperature of 20℃
The moisture content of the briquette was less than 15% to achieve better drying results. The rapid rate of drying in the dryer reveals its ability to dry the briquettes to the required moisture content for use
The ambient temperature of 20℃ was considered with the drying chamber temperature in a range of 60-90℃ and it was observed that an increase in temperature change increase the heat being transferred and reduces the drying time of the briquette
Different insulation lining thicknesses were considered ranging from 25mm to 30mm and it was observed that an increase in insulation lining reduces heat lost from the drying chamber to the surroundings
Different metal plate thicknesses were considered which included 1mm, 1.5mm, and 2mm, and it was observed that more heat was conducted to the drying chamber when the metal thickness was small