An investigation on the influence of Kiteezi Landfill on the growth and development of Kiteezi Neighborhood.
Kiteezi landfill is the only landfill in Uganda, and it is currently facing significant environmental and
sustainability challenges that are currently being faced have greatly influenced the growth trend patterns or
the land values of the neighborhood around the landfill.
This research report contains the different research stages that were undertaken in order to come up with this
report and are noted in the chapter’s one, two, three, four and five. Each chapter stands on its own and below
is the summary of each chapter.
Chapter one introduces the report by looking at the introduction and back ground to the sanitary landfills. The
problem of the research is to investigate the influence of Kiteezi landfill on the growth and development of
Kiteezi neighborhood which was answered by research objectives for example: to identify the context of Kiteezi
landfill and the neighborhood, to assess the influence of the landfill on the growth trends of Kiteezi
neighborhood and examining the land values of the neighborhood around Kiteezi landfill over the last 20 years.
The, study scope was influence of the landfill on the physical or spatial growth and development of the
surrounding community as well as the significance of the research and justification of the study.
Literature review mainly covered literature about the impacts sanitary landfills in relation to the physical
environment and public health while identifying the research gaps for this dissertation.
In order to achieve the study objectives, a mix of methods were used. These included, observation, photography,
administering of questionnaires, interviews, literature review and use of maps and for data analysis which is
covered in chapter three.
Research findings included: land use analysis for the past 20 years (2000 to 2020) where the area has and is
greatly transitioning into a commercial, industrial and settlement as of 2020 as compared to 2000 where the
main land uses was agriculture or open spaces. Reasons or factors that have contributed to the growth trends
of Kiteezi Neighborhood are the extension of physical infrastructure and utilities plus the land fill itself. The
impact of Kiteezi Landfill on the growth trends of Kiteezi Neighborhood as well as factors contributing to the
land values within the neighborhood which is explained in chapter four.
Chapter five portrays summary of findings, recommendations which were grouped into two which are: to the
Local Authorities such as to ensure afforestation around the land fill and ample supply of soil is required and in
order to curb the negative effects of the pollution the following should we considered; The town council should
prepare and cause approval of the Physical Development Plan, ensure proper management of the land fill,
public -private partnership in solid waste management should be adopted., adopting the 3 RS; (Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle) and others and the conclusion.