Assessing the causes of the collapse of the building in Kisenyi downtown Kampala.
Kampala’s rapid urbanization has caused an increase in the demand for housing facilities. This
has resulted in challenges of rapid construction of buildings often leading to engagement of
nontechnical procedures and unqualified personnel that can often compromise the integrity of the
structure. Furthermore, the approval process for building designs at the Directorate of Engineering
and Technical Services under KCCA takes months prior to completion prompting illegal erection
of structures with in Kampala.
This report stipulates the procedures, analysis and results attained to carry out an assessment of
the causes of the collapse of the building in Kisenyi downtown Kampala in September 2021. The
investigation was carried out between October and December 2021. Destructive and
nondestructive tests were used to assess the materials especially concrete used on site. The
questionnaire, the recordings and visual inspection were used to assess the construction methods.
Staad pro connect version of Cad application was used to check the adequacy and redesign the
During the assessment, it was found out that the collapsed building did not have approved
drawings, the lower parts of the columns had honey combing despite being the critical points of
load concentration, low concrete class was used, poor construction methods were employed and
there was less supervision during the construction.