Geological field mapping of Igayaza area A, Isingiro district
The geological field mapping of Igayaza area A Isingiro district was conducted from 1st to 10th March 2021 where we traveled to Isingiro, western Uganda. The aim of this field mapping was to train students to experience in geological field mapping activities , from field preparations to laboratory analysis and report writing.Isingiro is relatively low to medium in elevation most of the area sin Isingiro are covered by conspicuous karagwe Ankolean system which is part of kibaran Belt of central Africa. The area is underlain by the rocks of palaeoproterozoic age that includes granites, shales, quartzite, conglomerates and phyllites.
I'm general, this Isingiro region and surrounding areas belong to palaeoproterozoic geology of uganda under Rwenzori fold belt.