Effect of phosphorus and rizhobium innoculant on nodulation of soya beans
Soy beans are high in protein and a decent source of both carbohydrates and fat. They are a rich source of various vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds, such as flavones. For this reason, Soy bean can boost the nutritional status of individuals and communities involved in its production and utilization. Soybean collects nitrogen from the air and releases it back into the soil. This is important for growing healthy crops, maintaining soil quality and increasing crop yields. Therefore, the gap to be filled was the little knowledge about the specific levels which give the highest soybean yields and their total cost of production. A study was conducted to determine the specific level of Phosphorus and rhizobium inoculant mixture that gives the highest soybean yield. The main objective of the study was to increase the performance of Maksoy 4N variety using different levels of TSP and rhizobium inoculant. The results indicate that there was a significant impact of TSP application on almost all the growth parameters, except on the number of leaves. There was also a significant impact of TSP plus inoculant application rates on the leaf area, (11.58±1.427) cm2, where it was observed that leaf area (cm2) was highest at 175kg/ha-inoculated (15.4±2.855) cm2, followed by 100kg/ha inoculated, 0kg/ha inoculated (12.25±2.855,11.45±2.855) cm2 and the lowest in the P250kg/ha- inoculated (10.75±2.855) cm2. It is recommended that this study be replicated across different representative sites, soil types and in other parts of the country before any generalization is made about the effect of different levels of TSP and rhizobium inoculant on the effectiveness of nodulation of soy bean (maksoy 4n variety).