Emotional exhaustion, sleep quality and psychological well being of nurses in hospitals in Kampala during Covid-19.
The major purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between emotional exhaustion, sleep quality and psychological wellbeing, of nurses in hospitals in Kampala during Covid-19. The specific objectives of the study were to examine whether emotional exhaustion and sleep quality are significantly related, to examine the relationship between sleep quality and psychological wellbeing and finally to examine whether emotional exhaustion and psychological wellbeing are significantly related. A Correlational study design was used in the study to establish the relationship between Emotional exhaustion, sleep quality and psychological wellbeing, of nurses in hospitals in Kampala. From the research, it was discovered that Hypothesis 1 stated that there was no relationship between emotional exhaustion and sleep quality however results showed that emotional exhaustion and sleep quality had a positive significant relationship at r=.59 and p<.001. Hypothesis 2 stated that there was no relationship between sleep quality and psychological wellbeing while the results showed that sleep quality and psychological wellbeing had a negative non-significant relationship at r=-.21 and p>.05. Hypothesis 3 stated that there was no relationship between emotional exhaustion and psychological wellbeing; the results showed that emotional exhaustion and psychological wellbeing had a negative non-significant relationship. Researchers should consider looking further into the interventions by government and different Non-governmental organizations and how they can best be implemented to reduce emotional exhaustion, poor sleep quality and psychological wellbeing among nurses. Further research should be conducted to establish the relationship between age group of nurses and their varying levels of emotional exhaustion sleep quality and psychological wellbeing.