dc.description.abstract | This document is the Project Report for the project titled “A Software to Ease Multiple Criteria Decision Making Analysis”.
This document is organized into seven chapters. The first chapter gives an introduction and foundation to the composition and layout of the project report. This chapter contains the background to the design idea, problem statement, highlights the objectives – both main and specific, highlights the scope of the project, and provides a justification for the undertaking of the project. The second chapter contains the Literature Review into the problem of multi-criteria decision making, highlighting the problems faced in decision making, and then the decisions are taken to solve each kind of problem. Further along, it highlights the decision-making methods leading up to the Analytical Hierarchy Process.
The third chapter entails the methodology used to execute the project, highlighting the Requirements for the development of the system, development of the Mathematical Model, Programming Language, description of the system in detail, and finally explains the system architecture. The fourth chapter is for the findings and discussions from the development of the software entailing an in-depth overview of the system user interface, whereas the fifth chapter is for the conclusions and recommendations for the project.
The final two chapters contain the References (detailing the references and citations used throughout the document) and Appendices. The Appendices contain the Activity Plan, Budget, and Code. | en_US |