Community perceptions/ attitudes on the elimination of child labour in Busia District
The study was designed to understand the community perceptions and attitudes on the elimination of the child labour in Sikuda Sub- County, Busia district. The study had four specific objectives; to find out the social and economic drivers for child labour in Sikuda, Sub- County, to establish the perceived benefits of eliminating child labour in Sikuda Sub- County, to examine the perceived cost of eliminating child labour and to find out the measures aiming at eliminating child labour in Sikuda, Sub- County.
The research used both qualitative and quantitative approach, data was collected using questionnaire for primary respondents (community members/parents and employers of children), key informant guide and focus group guide for secondary respondents (officials from government, officials from non- governmental organizations and community leaders). The study used purposive, conducive, expert, simple random and cluster sampling techniques to determine the respondents to participants in the different categories considered for studies. Data was collected from 50 respondents, which was analysed using SPSS and Excel was used to drive graphs, pie- charts and other virtual. Correlation analysis was used to determine the
relationship between community perception/attitudes elimination of child labour in Sikuda, Sub- County.
The study found out that children were driven into child labour by a number of social, economic and other factors for example breakdown of family support system, poverty, limited understanding of child labour, the geographical location of the district and presence of gold mines in Sikuda Sub- County.
Majority of the respondents were in support of the efforts aiming at the elimination of child labour justifying that it will increase school enrollment, improve health, respect for fundamental human rights and promotes family stability. Respondents cited that that the individual child, family and community stands to lose income, basic needs, labour, learning opportunity and company from workmates when child laid is eliminated.