Lighting methods used by cinematographers in Uganda, a case study in Kampala
The purpose of this study was to find out methods of lighting used by cinematographers in Kampala . Basing on the following objectives ; To find out the impact of cinematic lighting methods to the output of film, To find out the relationship of profession and experience of lighting designers and cinematographers in Kampala. Local Films produced in Uganda have failed to be
broadcasted on local television channels because most of them are of poor quality and not of standard even if the broadcasting policy of 2013 gives local content 70% of broadcast, films have continuously failed this is so because of poor lighting methods used by cinematographers in Uganda .
The study was descriptive in nature and it involved qualitative methods of data collection which were administered through interviews to guide the collection of data. The total sample comprised of five groups which were Directors of Photography, Directors, Light designers, Light technicians and final film consumers. Purposive sampling was used where the researcher went to production houses and film sets to select Directors of photography and light designers in Kampala .
Primary data was obtained from library materials, textbooks, internet, and published journals . Data analysis was carried out through concentration on content and narrative analysis analysis of data that was obtained from the field. Findings reveled that cinematographer's in Kampala use ambience method of lighting film and are not much aware of basic film lighting methods like three point lighting method. It was concluded that cinematographers ,light designers and light technicians in Kampala should enroll for a certificate, diploma or a degree in specific areas on film production to be professionals if Ugandan films are to be broadcasted and compete on the global film market.