Employing graphic design; patnering with NAFOPHANU to disseminate about Covid-19 among people living with HIV
The objective of this study was to assess the impact of land tenure systems on prevalence of land
conflicts in Kanoni Town council Gomba district. It generated an overview on the different types
of land tenure systems in Gomba, analyzed the relationship between land tenure systems and the
wide spread of land conflicts, the other causes conflicts and the impact of land conflicts on
livelihood and development of the study area. The assessment involved the use of the local
council one chairpersons (LCI`s) of different villages, Interviews, questionnaires and
documentary review to gather data. The findings showed that the among all the reasons that were
cited to establish reasons why tenants, land lords and care takers have land conflicts, that is,
multiple sales of the same land, inaccurate surveys over boundaries, unregistered land or being a
kibanja holder, no access to law enforcement, ownership linked to inheritance with in the family,
rampant mass evictions by registered land owners and strong mistrust among the people as
regards to dispute resolution authorities, having unregistered land was the major reason with the
largest numbers of the respondents strongly agreeing that they had experienced land conflicts
due to the failure of the prevailing tenure system to respond to the challenges posed to them.
However, among villages where threats of rampant land conflicts due mass eviction had been
witnessed, the study found out that most of the respondents had just been released from prisons
including the LCI chairpersons, other residents were still being held under custody at the time of
the survey, unfortunately some residents lost their lives and others were still healing from
physical injuries that happened to them of recent due to the long-standing land conflicts in the
area. In light of these findings, there is need therefore to sensitize community members about
various land laws, policies and guidelines which the community members could use to protect
their land. There is also need for active intervention of the institutions of the different law
enforcement bodies, NGO’s and government agencies. The biggest challenge faced during the
study was poor understanding of the topic and related questions by respondents. Also,
respondents were so sensitive about giving information on land conflicts since the same
incidences had just happened and many of them were harsh.