A realistic approach to assessing intermittent energy sources in a power system study.
Intermittent energy resources such as wind and solar have recently seen an increased level of interest due to their environmental and climate benefits. However intermittent energy resources continuously vary in availability due to natural factors that cannot be controlled which poses a big challenge in assessing their output. This project study involves collection of wind speed as well as solar irradiance data at three locations and consequent analysis of collected data to determine which resource varies more often.
Upon selection of which intermittent resource varies most between wind and solar, the report focuses on selecting the best case study from the three locations basing of standard deviation of the selected resource data sets. Upon selection of a case study, this project report then discusses assessment of the selected resource in a power system study basing on deterministic and probabilistic approaches. The project seeks to apply Weibull and beta probability distribution to the selected data set, carry out goodness of fit tests to select the most suitable probability distribution.
In this project, the major project aim shall be carrying out a load flow studies of a power system in which an intermittent resource is involved using both the deterministic approach and the probabilistic approach through DIgSILENT software simulations. There shall be an analysis of results from both load flows such as the active and reactive power among other parameters obtained from the simulations to assess the impact of using either the probabilistic method or the deterministic approach to assess intermittent energy sources.