Spatial temporal assessment of wildlife habitat loss due to human settlement.Case study Mt Elgon National Kapchorwa District.
This study was designed to establish the spatial and temporal scope of encroachment around Mt Elgon National Park. Many protected areas have been encroached in different forms and in particular Mt Elgon National park has been encroached for land for settlement, agriculture, grazing, fruits gathering, hunting, tree cutting and other forest resources by surrounding communities which has led to degradation of ecosystem in Mt Elgon. Drivers of encroachment include, population growth, need for increased production, insecurity, political influence, infertile land around communities adjacent to the park, among others. The results revealed that, among others, forms of encroachment in the study area included, land for agriculture, building, livestock grazing, collecting forest products, and tree cutting. Research has been done to map encroachments in terms of human activities being carried out. The effect of encroachment has been tabulated in reduction to the habitat area