Factors influencing sexual and reproductive health among Ugandan men. a case study of condom use during last sexual encounter with the most recent partner
In this study Sexual and reproductive health is referred to as the state of emotional, mental, physical and social well-being in relation to all aspects of sexuality and reproduction, not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Throughout the course of this study, the main focus was on a one SRH product that is condom use among men during last sexual encounter with their most recent partner.
As of the objectives of the study, the general objective was to examine the factors that influenced sexual and reproductive health to be specific condom use among Ugandan men during last sexual encounter with most recent partner. To add on that, further specific objectives that were looked at were to examine if demographic, economic and behavioral factors that influenced condom use among Ugandan men during last sexual encounter with most recent partner.
For the methodology, the study was based on a quantitative method of approach. Descriptive variables used to examine the factors influencing sexual and reproductive health among Ugandan men. A case study: condom use during last sexual encounter with the most recent partner included, Age, wealth status, occupation, place of residence, religion, reads newspapers, watches television, education, and marital status. Further, two different types of analysis were done that is at univariate to show descriptions of each study variable in form of frequencies and percentages, and second is bivariate analysis to show levels or degree of significances between condom use among men with their most recent sexual partners and other variables under study.
Results showed that, condom use among men during last sexual encounter with most recent sexual partner was very low. To add on that, at bivariate level of analysis all cases exhibited a perfect significant relationship among all study variables and condom use as after the chi-square test the p-values were 0.000.
Recommendations basing on the study, would be, investments and interventions towards mass sensitization of men for example home sex education, and health camps. This would be looked at as a quick means to transfer knowledge on the benefits of using condoms within the country and community. For the poor, the government should find means of extending such free services at all community posts for example, providing condoms at every health post so as to ease the means of access to all.