Challenges of accessing educational opportunities for children with disability in Nyaravur-Angal town council Nebbi district
A disabled child is any child below the age of 18 years with physical, social, psychological and emotional impairments. The research was mainly carried out to establish the challenges of accessing educational opportunities for children with disability in Nyaravur-Angal Town Council, Nebbi District.
The objectives of the study were to examine the parental attitudes towards their disabled children in schools, community perception on disabled children attending schools, challenges posed by the school environment regarding ease of accommodating disabled children in schools and teacher`s attitudes towards children with disability.
The methods used in data collection were in depth interview guide, on spot observation, and literature search. The data was later tabulated and percentages were calculated. The study employed non-probability sampling techniques particularly purposive sampling in the selection of the respondent since it sought for people who were knowledgeable and more so, had an experience with disability.
The respondents agreed that parental negative attitudes has greatly contributed to the isolation of CWD, inadequate community sensitization have led to little awareness on disability issues within the community and lastly, the inaccessible school`s facilities/structures presented a noticeable barrier towards children with disability attending schools.
The study conclusively came up with the following recommendations to avert the plight of children with disability in the study area; a functioning structure that suits individual needs of all children in the mainstream schools should be put in place, awareness campaign through mass sensitization on the importance of educating CWD ought to be instituted. The DEO and the team should implement a strict monitoring systems on the main stream schools and on the town council educational department in order to avert structural challenges face by CWD, disability follow up committee ought to be formed in every school and should comprise of CWD themselves and the teachers. Lastly, there should be thorough disability screening of children joining school before their enrolment in order to establish their individual needs and consequently the solutions.